Parallel Sessions

Deadline for parallel sessions extended to Saturday June 15th, 2019

Submit a Parallel Session Proposal

Parallel session symposia are intended to complement the more general plenary and keynote lectures. Symposia can be used to present conclusive evidence of a series of studies or provoke discussion on controversial areas. There are no rules related to content, other than that the submissions have to be of high-quality and relevant to Dopamine 2020 attendees.

All parallel session proposals will be evaluated and selected by the Scientific Program Committee with priority given to topics:

-topics that address novel or contentious issues
-bridge between basic and clinical fields
-include a diverse range of speakers that bring unique approaches or perspectives to the topic
-encourage in-depth discussion and debate between presenters and the audience
-Session proposals can include postdocs, although this is not a requirement

Proposal Submission is now closed.


  • The required number of speakers is four. The session chair can be one of the four speakers, but this is not an obligation.
  • The time allotted for each symposium is 90 minutes, organized as four 20-min talks, each followed by 2 min for questions.
  • At the time of your proposal submission, all speakers must have already agreed to participate in the symposium.
  • Speakers should understand that no honorarium or complimentary registration is given for participation.
  • The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to ask an organizer to modify their symposium to ensure balance and quality in the annual meeting program.
  • You may only be a speaker in one symposium.

Content Guidelines

 from the Please follow these rules when entering your symposium proposal. The chair is responsible for assurance of adherence to the rules and of the merit of the presentation.

  • On page one of the online submission form, you will be required to enter a short symposium title and summary of your session.
  • You will be asked to choose an appropriate topic area for your symposium, which will be used for session planning.
  • On page three, you will be asked to submit a longer description of the topic and justify why the proposed topic is novel, contentious, or highly relevant for discussion. Your abstract must contain the specific goals of the study, the methods used, a summary of the results, and a conclusion. It is not satisfactory to say, “The results will be discussed.” 
  • You will also be asked for a brief description of each speaker and how they will offer a unique approach to the proposed topic. Once symposia are selected,  an abstract for each of the talks in the symposium will be required from the session speakers. 
  • Abbreviations (of compounds, for example) must be spelled out in full at the first use. Do not use abbreviations in the title. Use only standard abbreviations.
  • Capitalize the first letter of all trade names.
  • Do not add formatting to your abstract. Italic, bold, tabs and extra spaces are not permitted and will not appear in the final program.
  • Please do not enter the abstract title, author names, or affiliations in all uppercase or all lowercase letters. Fixing these creates extra work during the publishing process which can create errors. Sentence capitalization or title capitalization should be used for entering your abstract title.
  • Please do not enter department names in the Affiliations box. Removing these creates extra work during the publishing process which can create errors. If a university is well known, we prefer you not list the city, state, or country with the university’s name.