Sponsor & Exhibitor

The conference draws an international mix of scientists, and other health professionals such as nurses physiotherapists, patients, graduate students, postdoctoral research fellows, scientists from the industry (biotech and pharma) members of charitable organizations, all actively engaged in dopamine research.

Examples of previous sessions include:

  • Novel techniques to image dopamine release
  • Functional diversity of dopamine signaling
  • Dopamine receptor complexes
  • Selective neuronal vulnerability in Parkinson’s disease
  • The dopamine system in gambling
  • Regulation of dopamine autoreceptors
  • Shaping of synapses and circuits by dopamine
  • Dopamine and memory updating
  • Missense mutations in the dopamine transporter gene
  • Molecular diversity of dopamine neurons
  • Dopamine and flexible decision making in humans
  • Stress-induced dopamine neuroplasticity
  • Genetic dissections of dopaminergic pathway in addictions

Why Sponsor?


Connect with leading and emerging researchers

Over 500 attendees from the various fields of brain disease attend this conference

Premium branding & positioning opportunity

As a conference sponsor, your brand will be exposed to over 1500 members of the
Dopamine community via email blasts to the database

Face time with leading scientists

Exhibitor options allow you an opportunity to increase your company’s recognition, introduce your new products to the community, and differentiate your company from your competitors

Become a Sponsor

Should you wish to become a sponsor, please contact:

Michelle Smith
Podium Conference Specialists
Tel: 1.250.472.7644 x 103
Fax: 1.250.472.7644
Email: michelle@podiumconferences.com

Become an Exhibitor

To book your booth for the Dopamine 2022 Meeting, visit our website at dopamine society.org and follow the links to the 2022 Sponsor/Exhibitor online booking tool.

Our online registration system will ask you for the following information:

  • Company and Contact Information
  • Expo Booth Representative Information
  • Company Description
  • Payment information

Space is limited – book early! Exhibit booths are booked on a first come, first served basis. Reservations without payment will not be considered until payment has been received.

Exhibitor Info

Download Floor Plans

Review the 2022 Floor Plans.  The rooms represented are on the 4th floor of the Centre Mont-Royal and are adjoining rooms separated only by a small set of stairs.

AV Order Information

Please contact Encore Global AV directly for any additional AV requirements


Exhibits are open for the duration of the meeting, however, please review the program at-a-glance for specific break, poster and lunch times each day. Dedicated exhibit/poster sessions occur during breaks so exhibitors can expect a higher level of traffic during these times. **Please note the dates/times below are not final and minor time changes can be expected until the final program is confirmed.

Saturday, May 21

4:00pm – 6:00pm
Exhibitor Move-In

Sunday, May 22

10:00am – 10:30am
Coffee Break

12:30pm – 2:15pm
Lunch / Poster

4:00pm – 4:40pm
Coffee Break

Monday, May 23

10:00am – 10:30am
Coffee Break

12:30pm – 2:15pm
Lunch / Poster

4:00pm – 4:30pm
Coffee Break

Tuesday, May 24

10:00am – 10:30am
Coffee Break

12:30pm – 2:15pm
Lunch / Poster

4:00pm – 4:30pm
Coffee Break

Wednesday, May 25

10:00am – 10:30am
Coffee Break

12:30pm – 2:15pm
Lunch / Poster

4:10pm – 4:30pm
Coffee Break

4:30pm – 6:30pm
Exhibitor Move-Out

Thank you to our 2022 Sponsors and Exhibitors!

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