Health & Safety Info

The Dopamine Conference is committed to holding a safe and inclusive face to face conference in May 2022.  Due to the continuation of the pandemic, and the ever-changing regulations, the Dopamine conference will be following the health and safety measures from Health Canada and the Province of Quebec that are in effect at the time of the conference.  Please click here to find the current Montreal regulations.

Delegates who do not adhere to the health and safety measures may be asked to leave the conference. 

Before the conference

International delegates, follow the relevant health and travel requirements for your country.  Please make note of the requirements for entering Canada and ensure compliance.

Click here for information about entering Canada 

If you have been exposed to COVID-19 immediately before the conference (within 5 days) and have symptoms, or test positive, stay home and do not attend the conference.


On site measures

Masks are currently (Effective May 14, 2022) not required in Montrea for public places, other than health care facilities and public transporttion.  Masks are still required for all visitors to Canada or Canadians returning from international travel for a total of 14 days. It is recommended that all delegates wear a mask when not eating, drinking, or presenting at the podium.  Please note, masks should cover both the mouth and nose.

The Dopamine Conference and Centre Mont-Royal will be setting the meeting rooms to allow for as much distancing as possible, including in the poster hall.

Hand sanitizing stations are present throughout the venue and a small selection of disposable masks will be available at the registration desk should one be requested.  In the interest of reducing environmental impact, kindly provide your own mask.

Please note, the Dopamine Conference will not have on site testing for COVID.  Should international delegates require testing prior to returning, please arrange for testing at a private clinic or at the airport prior to departure depending on your home country requirements.

Information regarding setting up an appointment and clinic locations can be found online.

Should a delegate not feel well or has tested positive for COVID-19 during the meeting dates, please do not attend the meeting and contact us at